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Registered Massage Therapy
Manual Osteopathy
If you have received traditional massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic care and you have reached a plateau or pain seems to still come and go without resolution, it is possible that visceral or cranial-sacral system may be a component in your pain/injury and also need to be treated. Manual Osteopathy can help.
Manual Osteopathy can help you if:
You have a traumatic injury, fall
You have postural imbalances
You are postpartum
You had surgery
You continue to experience pain after receiving conventional treatment or the pain continues to return
You are suffering from digestive problems, migraines, menstrual pain or unexplained pain or symptoms
A Manual Osteopath can help:
Remove underlying cause of pain by reducing stiffness in muscles and joints and improves joint range of motion
Improve posture that contributes to spinal pain or injury
Relive chronic pain by decreasing stress on the joints, tension in the body and by improving alignment address the root cause of pain
Reduce scar tissue and adhesions
Improve function of the organs
Improve digestion, menstrual pain, respiratory conditions, headaches?migraines, knee pain, tennis elbow etc.
Treat traumatic injuries such as falls and sports injuries
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Need Help? 778-322-9642